Award details listed below.
Electronics Engineering Technology Associate in Applied Science Degree A40200 Electronics Engineering Technology (40200) CIP 15.0303
Last updated on July 10, 2019, 10:29 a.m.
The following is a suggested degree map for completing this degree in five semesters. Some students' degree maps may be different, depending on their enrollment status (day, evening, full-time or part-time).
The following courses are required for successful completion of the award base program.
First Year Fall:
Take the following courses.
Take 6 semester hour credits from the MAJOR ELECTIVES course list located at the end of this program.
Credits: 14
First Year Spring:
Take the following courses.
Take one of the following math courses.
Credits: 14-15
First Year Summer:
Take three semester hour credits from the following humanities/fine arts courses.
Take three semester hour credits from the following social/behavioral sciences courses.
Credits: 6
Second Year Fall:
Take the following courses.
Take 7 semester hour credits from the MAJOR ELECTIVES course list located at the end of this program.
Credits: 15
Second Year Spring:
Take the following courses
Take 8 semester hour credits from the MAJOR ELECTIVES course list located at the end of this program.
Credits: 15
Select 21 semester hour credits (SHC) from the following courses. This may include up to 4 SHC from WBL course/combination of courses. Courses with the prefix AHR, BIO, CHM, CSC, CTI, CTS, DFT, EGR, ISC, MAT, MEC, NET, PHY, SEC, WEB, and WLD are limited to a total of 9 SHC each.
Additional Information:
Transfer Students
Suggested Major Electives for students planning to transfer to UNC-C are CSC 134, ELN 150, MAT 171, MAT 172, MAT 271, PHY 151, and PHY 152.
Major Electives-CHM 151
Beginning Fall 2018, CHM 151 has a corequisite of MAT 171; if you select CHM 151 as one of your Major Electives, you must also select MAT 171 as either your math course or as another of your Major Electives, or have credit for MAT 171.