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2019-2020 Catalog


Program details listed below.


Early Childhood Education (55220) CIP 13.1210

Last updated on June 28, 2019, 9:23 a.m.

The early childhood education curriculum prepares individuals to work with children from birth through eight in diverse learning environments. Students will combine learned theories with practice in actual settings with young children under the supervision of qualified teachers.

Course work includes child growth and development; physical/nutritional needs of children; care and guidance of children; and communication skills with families and children. Students will foster the cognitive/language, physical/motor, social/emotional, and creative development of young children.

Graduates are prepared to plan and implement developmentally appropriate programs in early childhood settings. Employment opportunities include child development and child care programs, preschools, public and private schools, recreational centers, Head Start programs, and school-age programs.

Curriculum Offerings:

SHC - Semester Hour Credits

Additional Information:

North Carolina Child Care Licensing Regulations require that all volunteers working in the Early Childhood field obtain a federal criminal background check. Because most of our courses require students to enter child care centers and schools, all students enrolled in the Early Childhood programs are required to obtain a federal criminal background check and submit to the program chair a copy of the qualification letter they receive from the state. A negative report may prevent students from participating in required courses, which means that the student cannot complete the program requirements. An application process will be required prior to students entering into EDU 214 and EDU 284. Students must have at least a 2.5 GPA, C or higher in Early Childhood courses and be in their last two semesters in order to apply for EDU 214 and EDU 284. Please contact the chair of Early Childhood Education if you have any questions.


For additional information regarding this program, contact the chair, Waynett Taylor,

See Infant/Toddler Care Certificate.


A55220NT Career Ready AASD55220TN Transfer Non-Licensure AASA55220TL Transfer B-K Teacher Licensure AASD55220 DiplomaC55220CS Child Care Specialist CertificateC55220EA Administrators Advanced Certificate

Faculty Mentors:

Waynett Taylor Chair
Jennifer Rosalino Faculty
Kelly Kerbs Faculty
Terri Pickett Faculty