Award details listed below.
Early Childhood Education Transfer Non-Licensure Associate in Applied Science Degree A55220TN Early Childhood Education (55220) CIP 13.1210
Last updated on Jan. 5, 2022, 8:07 a.m.
This program is for students who are planning to transfer per the Early Childhood Articulation Agreement (ECAA) for Early Education Non-Licensure.
The following is a suggested degree map for completing this degree in five semesters. Some students' degree maps may be different, depending on their enrollment status (day, evening, full-time or part-time).
The following courses are required for successful completion of the award base program.
First Year Fall:
Take the following courses.
Credits: 16
First Year Spring:
Take the following courses.
Take one of the following natural sciences sets of transfer courses.
Set One:
Set Two:
Set Three:
Set Four:
Take one of the following social/behavioral science transfer courses.
Credits: 16
First Year Summer:
Take the following courses.
Take one of the following transfer communication courses.
Credits: 9
Second Year Fall:
Take the following courses.
Take one of the following biology transfer courses.
Take one of the following humanities/fine arts courses.
Credits: 16
Second Year Spring:
Take the following courses.
Credits: 13
Additional Information:
Criminal Background Check
North Carolina Child Care Licensing Regulations require that all volunteers working in the Early Childhood field obtain a criminal background check. Because most of our courses require students to enter child care centers and schools, all students enrolled in the Early Childhood programs are required to obtain a criminal background check and submit to the program chair a copy of the clearance letter they receive from the state. A negative report may prevent students from participating in required courses, which means that the student cannot complete the program requirements.
Practicum Application
An application process will be required prior to students entering into EDU 284. Students must have at least a 2.5 GPA, C or higher in Early Childhood courses and be in their last two semesters in order to apply for EDU 284. Please contact the program chair of Early Childhood Education if you have any questions.