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2022-2023 Catalog


Award details listed below.


Associate in General Education A10300 Associate in General Education (10300) CIP 24.0199

Last updated on Nov. 4, 2021, 10:25 a.m.

The following courses are required for successful completion of the award base program.

First Year Fall:

Take the following courses.

Take one of the following academic related courses.

Take three semester hour credits from the following social/behavioral science courses.

Take six semester hour credits from the Other Required Hours list located at the end of this program.

Credits: 13

First Year Spring:

Take three semester hour credits from the following communication courses.

Take 3 semester hour credits from the following humanities/fine arts courses.

Take 3-4 semester hour credits from the following natural sciences/math courses. If CHM-131 is selected, the accompany lab CHM 131A must also be taken.

Take six semester hour credits from the OTHER REQUIRED HOURS course list located at the end of this program.

Credits: 15-16

First Year Summer:

Take six semester hour credits from the OTHER REQUIRED HOURS course list located at the end of this program.

Credits: 6

Second Year Fall:

Take 15 semester hour credits from the OTHER REQUIRED HOURS course list located at the end of this program.

Credits: 15

Second Year Spring:

Take 15 semester hour credits from the OTHER REQUIRED HOURS course list located at the end of this program.

Credits: 15


48 semester hour credits must be taken from the additional other required hours courses. Additional other required hours include additional general education and associate degree level courses. Courses must be at the 110-199 or 210-299 level. A maximum of 7 semester hour credits in health, physical education, college orientation, and/or study skills may be included. These other required hour courses can be selected from any of the preceding courses not chosen for the general education requirement plus any of the 110-199 or 210-299 level courses with the following prefixes: ACA, ACC, AHR, ALT, ANT, ARC, ART, AST, ATR, AUT, BAF, BIO, BPR, BTC, BUS, CCT, CHM, CIS, CIV, CJC, CMT, COM, COS, CSC, CST, CTI, CTS, DBA, DDF, DEN-111, DFT, DRA, ECM, ECO, EDU, EGR, EHS, ELC, ELN, EMS, ENG, EPT, ETR, FIP, FRE, GEO, GIS, GRD, HEA, HIS, HSE, HUM, HYD, INS, INT, ISC, LDD, MAC, MAT, MEC, MED, MKT, MSM, MUS, NET, NOS, NUR, OST, OTA, PED, PHI, PHY, POL, PSY, PTA, RAD, REF, REL, SEC, SOC, SPA, SST, TRN, WEB, WLD.


WBL 110 may also be selected as part of the Additional Other Required Hours.

Total Credits To Complete